Thursday, December 18, 2008

Happy new year to all!
It's been a very busy year with lots of reflexology
and reiki treatments, meetings,
a RESET workshop ... and a house sale
and move in November.
RESET is a technique which works by sending healing energy into the muscles and tendons that relate to the temporomandibular joint (TMJ).
It relaxes the muscles and their associated organs and glands and allows the TMJ to reset into its correct position, thereby rebalancing the whole body.
Great benefit is being reported by clients who suffer jaw pain,
neck or shoulder pain and chronic headaches.
and ask about this technique when making your next appointment.

But now it's time for s l o w i n g the pace!

To all my clients and colleagues,
have a wonderful relaxing holiday season and
a new year full of happiness.
Thank you all for your continuing support.

with very best wishes

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