Thursday, December 18, 2008

Happy new year to all!
It's been a very busy year with lots of reflexology
and reiki treatments, meetings,
a RESET workshop ... and a house sale
and move in November.
RESET is a technique which works by sending healing energy into the muscles and tendons that relate to the temporomandibular joint (TMJ).
It relaxes the muscles and their associated organs and glands and allows the TMJ to reset into its correct position, thereby rebalancing the whole body.
Great benefit is being reported by clients who suffer jaw pain,
neck or shoulder pain and chronic headaches.
and ask about this technique when making your next appointment.

But now it's time for s l o w i n g the pace!

To all my clients and colleagues,
have a wonderful relaxing holiday season and
a new year full of happiness.
Thank you all for your continuing support.

with very best wishes

Friday, October 31, 2008

Reflexology at Relay For Life

Hands Oval (between Blair and Clarke Streets), Bunbury, Western Australia
Saturday 1 November 4-5 pm
Sunday 2 November 6 am-12 noon

If you're planning to walk for Relay For Life, we'll be there! A rotating team of reflexologists will be ready to soothe your tired aching feet with short massage and reflexology treatments throughout both days and Saturday night.

Check Relay For Life website HERE for further details.
I look forward to meeting you - please introduce yourself!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Reflexology Association of Australia

24, 25 & 26 October 2008
Sydney, Australia

Topics include:

Facial Reflexology and its Applications; The Sole Purpose of Human Existence; The Integration of Colour with Reflexology; Living on Purpose; The Continuum of Touch; Turning into the Matrix; The Incoming Sole on the Soul of the Pregnant Foot

with keynote speakers:

Marie-France Muller, from France

Pauline Wills, from England

and Petrea King

The conference will be infused with the healing energy of sound from top performers, including:
Jane Elworth
The Ancient Frame Drum
Nuruddin (Chris) Masuak
Tibetan Singing Bowls
Mary Masselos Seven Tone Healing Method

Click HERE for full details!

Monday, September 15, 2008

World Reflexology Week
21-27 September 2008
Every year, reflexology is promoted through community venues
and special events all around the world.
Do your feet a favour -
click HERE to find a practitioner near you, through the
Reflexology Association of Australia.
Your whole body will thank you for it!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Reflexology has a history dating back to the ancient Egyptians, and there is evidence that many early cultures performed reflexology in some form.
The feet reflect a map of the body. Gentle massage of specific locations and reflex points in the feet stimulates the body's natural healing processes. The body begins to progressively clear blockages, re-establishing energy flows and balancing itself; resulting in an overall feeling of calm and relaxation.

* improves circulation
* reduces pain
* eliminates toxins
* reduces stress

Reflexology is becoming increasingly popular as a complementary therapy, becoming more widely accepted as a supportive option to traditional western medicine.
If you would like to experience the benefits of this incredible healing method, please contact me for more information and an appointment time to suit you.

Cait Gordon
Certificate IV in Reflexology
Professional Member Reflexology Association of Australia
Reiki I and II practitioner

m 0427 212 729

I look forward to
hearing from you.