Friday, January 13, 2012

happy new year

Hi everyone
I hope you're enjoying a wonderful holiday season
 and happy, peaceful new year.
I have to admit that I was tucked up in bed
 before midnight on 1 January!

Christmas was delightfully busy with family
and friends here for lunch.
 I relaxed for a few days afterwards
with a stack of novels and some
sewing ... lovely
(see more on my textiles blog or link at left)

I've recently purchased some doTerra
essential oils and learnt
AromaTouch massage.

With a little practice ;-)))
I will soon be proficient in this delightful technique.
It's a gentle back, neck, shoulders, head
and feet massage using these beautiful
essential oils, to calm, invigorate
or de-stress your body.

Later in the new year I will also be trying
some Australian essential oils
as I'd like to compare the results
and also support Australian suppliers
if possible.
Whichever way it goes - YOU will be the winners!

So stay tuned and ask me about
AromaTouch, next time you book for

reflexology | reiki | Indian head massage
corporate massage | metamorphosis

Please call or sms 0427 212 729
for an appointment