But wait, there's more
Although I specialise in reflexology, which I love, love, love ...
remember I am also fully qualified to offer you other modalities
to enhance your health and healing
* Indian head massage*
This is based on the ancient Ayurvedic healing system of India,
which incorporates mind, body and spirit.
The upper back, neck, scalp and face are massaged
with gentle circular and sweeping strokes. Bliss!
* Reiki *
Reiki is about 'healing hands'. There is no massage involved -
it works by laying hands directly on the clothed body, or
just above the body's surface. This modality is pure heat energy!
* Corporate massage *
Essentially a back, shoulders, neck and arm brief massage
while seated fully clothed in a special chair.
It was designed to re-energise sedentary workers who
may be sitting at a computer or performing repetitious
tasks that inhibit flexibility.
Up to two modalities may be combined
in one session
Realistic rates * health benefits may apply
Call for an appointment soon!
0427 212 729
Professional member Reflexology Association of Australia